Heat Synthesizer 1.0.2 has been released on Google Play, Amazon & Samsung Galaxy Apps.
The Google version has been updated from version 1.0.1 and fixes corrupted WAV files when recording.
Updates for the Amazon & Samsung stores were quite outdated already and therefore lacked features that have been added in the past to the Google version. The Amazon version has been updated from 0.8.6, Samsung Galaxy Apps version has been updated from 0.9.8.
From now on, all builds are meant to be a similar as possible. However, the Samsung version is the only version for the moment that has Soundcamp support and has no native 64 bit support.
The reason for that is, that Soundcamp has no 64 bit support and will fail to load the required libraries from Heat if it supports 64 bit, therefore I removed 64 bit support for now and removed Soundcamp support for the other versions.